After finishing this Vedic study I had no idea what
to do with it. Fortunately, through a personal friend I came into contact with M.P.
Pandit, the secretary of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. I had long admired Pandits many
books on the Vedas, Tantra, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Pandit was perhaps the foremost
scholar of Indian spirituality, not from an academic view but from a real understanding
and inner experience that spanned the entire tradition.
If anyone could appreciate what I was doing, it was he. I first visited
Pandit in San Francisco in the summer of 1979. I brought my writings on the Vedas and
Upanishads and explained my approach to him. What I received from him in return went far
beyond my expectations. Pandit was a calm and concentrated person, with a penetrating
He listened carefully before making any comments. Instead of trying to
influence me he was quite receptive and open to what I was attempting. I told him that I
was not an academic but doing the work from an inner motivation and an intuitive