still hesitated. At this juncture a heavenly voice boomed out anddeclared that Gautama was
in fact the winner. He had circled round a cow that was delivering a calf and this act of
his amounted to a circumambulation of the earth. He should therefore, be married to the
girl forthwith. Brahmadeva had little hesitation now in accepting Gautamas claims
and he then and there gave away in marriage the girl to Gautama. The rituals had hardly ended when the numerous contestants started
returning one after the other. The gods were the first to arrive with the kings and the
sages closely following. When all had reassembled Brahmadeva announced that the sage
Gautama had won the race and along with it the much coveted hand of the fair lady. He also
disclosed that the marriage had already taken place and invited everybody to bless the
newly weds.
The disappointment and fury of the gods new no limits. They
had all along led the runners and Gautama was never seen anywhere near them and how could
he be the winner? Nor had the kings seen him around them. The sages swore that many of
them had marked Gautama dropping out of the race. This created a great furore and the
leaders went to Brahma to ask for an explanation. The good old man had great difficulty in
convincing thedisgruntled crowd that Gautama was really the one to win the competition.
However, most of them thought that it was a dirt), trick
and there was good deal of ill-will now about the sage. The sage asked Brahma for a home
that would be safe. The latter told him that Shiva was then residing on the Brahmagiri and
the vicinity of the Lord would afford him a nice and comfortable home. Gautama and his
wife then proceeded towards Brahmagiri and erected a small ashram on a suitable spot. And
he lived happily thereafter-that should have been the end of the story. |