Another famous Siva
temple is Kailasanatha temple built by Rajasimha of the Pallava dynasty during 'the first
quarter of the eighth century. The temple is built of red sandstone and has innumerable
carvings of Pallava art, of which the Urdhva Tandava dance of Siva and the laughing face
of Parvati are worth seeing. This temple has become very old and is fast decaying. Unless
it is carefully repaired, it maysoon topple down. The other temple in Siva Kanchi is
Kachapeswara temple where Siva appears as being worshipped by Vishnu in the form of
Kurmemerali, in the weavers' quarters. Sri
Kamakshiamman Temple:
Kanchi is sacred as one of the three Sakti peethas of
India. Kamakshi is said to be the Supergoddess, Parasakti, having Saraswati, Lakshmi and
Parvati as her eyes. She blesses all that dedicate themselves to her. The sanctum
sanctorum faces southeast in the centre of Gayatri Mandaparn. The tradition says that
there was a delightful grove of Champaka trees around the main temple now known as Gayatri
Mandaparn. The Devas took the form of parrots and worshipped Sri Devi here. |