Hindu Phenomenon |
will be outside the scope of this discussion for me to go into the
state of India at that time and the nature of the Indian response.
Even so, it is necessary to make a couple of points in passing
because a distorted perspective has come to dominate our thinking in
this regard. India, of course, could not mobilize against Mahmud
Ghaznavi and subsequent invaders the kind of vigorous response
Chandragupta Maurya had after the raid by Alexander the Great in the
fourth century B.C., but this was primarily because the centre of
political power had moved from North India, which had to bear the
brunt of Muslim invasions, to the Deccan and the south. It is really
a shame that so few Hindus are alive to the achievements of the
Rashtrakuta, SatvAhan, Chola and Vijaynagar empires. This applies as
much to those who rejoice in the Rajput resistance, followed by the
Maratha and Sikh resistance, as to those who take pride in the glory
of the Mughal empire.
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