Even if he had created, not water and
fish, but kerosene and fish living therein, and even if the kerosene changed into water
and the water into kerosene on alternate days, the knowing fish would have taken it all as
"natural" and made a synthesis of all that they observed, and mentally codified
it into a body of natural laws. They would be incognizant of the real author and
controller. In the same way do the laws of physical nature hide God, though they are but
the manifestation of His will. So perfect is His rule that He disappears from the scene,
but He is ever present in the Law itself.
The will of God acts as the continuous
natural creative force of the world, Yoga-Maya, as it is termed in VII-25, and the
untranscendable rule of Law, described as Yogam Aisvaram in IX-5. It is God that works
throughout all the seeming phases and complexities of life. |