First of the Gods, Primeval Spirit, Supreme abode of all that lives; Thou art the Knower and Thou art that which is to be known, Thou art Heaven transcendent, Thou art spread over the universe, O Thou of shape unending!
Thou art Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna and the Moon. Thou art the progenitor of the universe, the Grandsire. Prostrations to Thee! A thousand prostrations! Again and again, I bow to Thee.
I bow in front of thee, I bow to Thee behind. Prostrations on every side to thee, O All. Of energy boundless, measureless in strength, Thou art the completion of every-thing; Thou art everything Thyself.
Thou art the world's Father, of all that moves, and of all that stands, adorable, the greatest Guru. There is none like thee. Who can surpass Thee, unequalled in power in all the three worlds?
Therefore, I fall prostrate and offer salutations to Thee; worthy Lord, I seek Thy grace; thou shouldn't bear with me as father does with son, as friend, as lover with his beloved.