Bhaja Govindam
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


What is the connection between her soul and mine? Why should one depend on the other? What is the connection between her whom I call my wife in the present life and my past or future lives? Do souls have kinship? Why this limitless bother about a transitory connection of a single life? What is the measure of a single life in endless eternity? Is it not a trifling moment? Once you are dead, what is the connection between your wife and yourself? Why bother about it? Should you not cease engaging in profitless thoughts?

When this is the case with the wife, what needs be said about wealth? It is something inanimate. What is the relation between you and this wealth once you have given up the body? Why do you worry about it?

Even if the truth is seen, delusion persists and works havoc on the mind. It is to banish that delusion that Sri Sankara sang the 'Moha Mudgara.' The traditional name for the song of Bhaja Govindam is Moha Mudgara i.e. the heavy hammer that crushes and destroys moha or delusion.

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