Bhaja Govindam
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Books By Rajaji


One may ask: Is this possible? Can one become free from love and hatred alike? Even were it possible for the sanyaasins, can it be achieved in worldly life? Oh, how many occasions come about for anger! Can one forget or ignore them? True, it is difficult to forget causes of anger. It is no use to pretend to be calm externally when angers bum inside in the heart. It is difficult to forget; yet, Sri Sankara provides a remedy for it one should constantly remind oneself that Govinda resides in every life.

The way to control and -overcome anger and aversion is to keep telling ourselves: How numerous are the lapses I have been guilty of! How many are the evils that lodge in my heart concealed from the gaze of others! Others too are like me, aren't they? Their lapses too like mine are the sport of God. Govinda sports in various ways. What avails my anger or my grief? To weed one thing out from the mind it must be filled with something else. It is for this that one is told to lift one's heart up to Govinda.

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