If we do not succeed, it is enough that
we have made the effort; to that extent we shall benefit. We may be deceived by an evil
thought; but. the effort to counter one such thought will rescue us from ten evils. Like
exercise of the body, this mental exercise strengthens the mind. This is a great secret of
Sri Sankara also shows the way to make this
effort. "Ask yourself" he says, "the question: 'Who am I?' and think about
it". If this inquiry often engages the mind, then be less room in it for desire and
anger. If we keep constantly reminding ourselves of the true nature of the atman, we
win "we will acquire the strength to bear the troubles of life with fortitude, and
anger will vanish. Sorrows win decrease.
On the contrary, if desires, greed and
anger are allowed to grow, life itself will become unbearable: grief and sorrow will
increase: the strength of the soul to withstand them will wine and present life itself
will become a hell. Jnaana is indispensable for those who have renounced the world;
it is essential also for householders who lead a family life. In fact, they need it a
little more. |