A brief recital of the lesson, which the Gita teaches, will bring out the full
meaning of Bhaja Govindam. He Lord explains the delusion of the body in the first part of
the Gita. As the soul and the body are intertwined with each other, the real significance
of the "I" is not clear to us. A man thinks that he is the same as his body.
Happiness is identified with the satisfaction obtained when eating. That this is wrong is
the first lesson, which the Gita teaches.
The pleasure which the, senses give, end
quickly. More often than not, it leads to grief. Such pleasure causes a craving, which is
insatiable. Realize this truth; do not attach importance, to the pleasures, which come
from the senses, try to attain equanimity of mind. That alone is true joy. That is the
first instruction of the Lord. The body is but a garment to man. Even as it is cast off
when it becomes worn out or tom, and another garment is put on, so too the soul gets into
another body when one is discarded. Death does not mean the end of the soul. |