Kural - The Great Book Of
Tiru-Valluvar |
Books By Rajaji |
He who hits the ground hits himself by that act. Anger hurts the angry
man, not the other. The certainty as well as the incidence of the harm are brought out by
the analogy. Great may be the wrong done to you; like many tongued fire it may burn, but
it is worth while yet to struggle and rein back one's anger, if at all possible. The poet
here goes mentally through the difficulties that arise in the practice of what he
This is Tiru-Valluvar's special
characte - ristic when dealing with any subject.There is nothing lost by not entertaining
anger. On the contrary it will be seen that what is sought to be attained comes quicker if
the mind is kept free from it. This is the experience of the self-controlled and is held
out to strengthen the aspirant. |
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