Do not take trouble to keep up the
friendship of worthless men. It is well to allow it to die out, be they ever so honey-like
What matters it whether we gain or lose the
friendship of selfish men who when it is profitable to them be friend us and leave us when
it is not?
Oppilaar means men whose conduct is not
shaped to further the life of the community, i.e., selfish, the reverse of oppuravu.
The friendship that weighs advantages is of
the same class with the affection of courtesans and partnership among thieves.
It is better to be unfriended than to
depend on friends who when you face trouble desert you, as it is better to go on foot than
ride to battle on an unbroken horse.
The opposition of wise and good men does
infinitely greater good than the closest friendship of a foot.
One gets a million times more benefit from
enemies than from the friendship of mere jolly good fellows and jesters and the like.
Allow your friendship silently to die, out
with men who fail to help where they could.
It is bad even in dream to associate with
those whose words and deeds differ.
There are some that seek to befriend you at
home and in private, but attack your fair name on public occasions. Avoid all advances on
the part of such people. |