Kural - The Great Book Of
Tiru-Valluvar |
Books By Rajaji |
The doctrine of Karma as enunciated in
Hindu Shastras is accepted in toto and without any modification in the Kural. oozh is the
Tamil word for the Law of Karma, by which the sum of man's thoughts, desires and actions
is one birth becomes his start in the next birth or re-embodiment of his soul.
Neither Karma nor its Tamil equivalent is
to be mistaken for belief in blind luck. The Hindu doctrine of Karma links all good and
bad luck to what was done or thought in previous births. Men reap the just and natural
reward of every act and build their natures and tendencies as a result thereof. The law is
unfailing in its rigor. The account is not closed by death, but carried forward from one
birth to another. Causes not traceable to oneself now must be traced to oneself in past
births. That we do not remember the past is irrelevant. |