Kural - The Great Book Of Tiru-Valluvar
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Books By Rajaji


Before launching an operation, all the five elements that will make for success or defeat should be thoroughly considered and Dot left untackled, i.e., equipment, strength of forces, the favorableness, or the opposite of time and place, and the mature of the operation.

Irul theera denotes that the consideration should be so thorough as to remove all doubts. Literally the phrase means until all darkness is dispelled.

What has to be done to attain the end in view, the difficulties that may arise in the course of the operation and -the measure of lasting gain that will finally accrue by success in the operation, should all be considered before undertaking it.

I.e., it is well not to be aggressive if you doubt your strength to carry it out or to overcome the difficulties likely to arise; also if on dispassionate consideration no great ultimate advantage appears to follow from it. Weigh the ultimate gain as against the cost of the attempt and the amount of opposition to be met with before resolving on such operations.

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