Kural - The Great Book Of Tiru-Valluvar
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Books By Rajaji


In beautiful relief against the general didactic style of Kural, here and there we land on sparkling poetry.

Do not challenge my commander. Many are those who stood against him and stand now in stone.

We see here that the custom of setting up memorials in stone for those killed in battle was prevalent. It seems from the reference that the stone memorial was raised on the field of battle, and the victors did this as much out of pride as an act of chivalry for the opponents who fell in battle.

It is better even to miss the arm hurling the javelin at an elephant than to throw it successfully at a hare running in the jungle.

I.e., it is not worthy of a soldier to attack a weak and helpless toe, so I let you go. This is desoppus to be addressed by the victor when he withdraws from pursuing the enemy.

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