They reached the Pandava camp.Dhrishta- dyumna had doffed his armour and
was plunged in deep slumber in his tent. Aswatthama leapt on the sleeping warrior and,
before he could put himself into a posture of defence, cruelly kicked him to death.
The same process was relentlessly repeated until all the Panchalas and
all the sons of Draupadi were killed one by one when they were plunged in sleep in their
After having done this deed, the like of which had never before been
considered possible among kshatriyas, Kripacharya, Kritavarma and Aswatthama came out of
the tents and set fire to the camp.
When the fire spread, the sleepingsoldiers were awakened and fled
hither and thither in confusion, even like the crows on the banian tree under which they
had rested in the forest, and they were mercilessly slaughtered by Aswatthama.
"We have done our duty," said Drona- charya's son. "Let
us go and give the glad news to Duryodhana, if we can reach him, before he expires. Let
him die pleased."
The three of them accordingly hurried to Duryodhana.