Drona arrayed the army in circular forma- tion. Karna, who had till then
stood aside was now seen moving about in his great chariot on the battlefield and this put
new courage and joy into the hearts of the Kaurava soldiers.
The talk went round in the army that the great Bhishma did not wish to
slay the sons of Pandu and therefore had not put his whole heart in the fight, but now
that Karna was in the field, it was certain that the Pandavas would be destroyed.
Dronacharya was in command for five days of the battle. Though of
advanced years, he was everywhere in the field and displayed the fierce energy of a young
warrior. Whenever he led an attack, the Pandava forces were scattered like clouds before a
He personally engaged the greatest warriors
on the Pandava side in battle. He fought Satyaki, Bhima, Arjuna, Dhrishta- dyumna,
Abhimanyu, Drupada andKasiraja and defeated them on many occasions.
He harassed and inflicted severe punish-
ment on the Pandava army during the five days he was in command. |