These taunts of Bhimasena caused excruciating pain to Drona who had
already lost the will to live. He threw his weapons away and sat down in yoga on the floor
of his chariot and was soon in a trance.
At this moment Dhrishtadyumna with drawn sword, came and climbed in to
the chariot and heedless of cries of horror and deprecation from all around he fulfilled
his destiny as the slayer of Drona by sweep- ing off the old warrior's head. And the soul
of the son of Bharadwaja issued out in a visible blaze of fight and mounted heaven wards.
The Mahabharata is a great and wonderful story. The sorrows of human
life are painted with sublime beauty and rolled out in a grand panorama, Behind the
story of errors and sorrows the poet enables us to have a vision of the Transcendent
Thus it is that the Mahabharata, though a
story, has come to be a book of dharma. This book, in style and substance, is altogether
different from tales and romances.
In modem novels, dramas and pictures,
exciting scenes are en acted, the hero passes through dangers and difficulties and finally
marries a woman whom he loves, or else everything seems to go on happily but -suddenly
things go wrong and terrible misfortune happens and the curtain drops.
This is the art scheme of ordinary sensa-
tional stories. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are quite a different kind of artistic
creation. When we read them, our inner being is seized and cleansed, so to say, by being
passed alternately through joys and sorrows, and we are finally lifted above both and
taken to the Transcendent and Real. |