Of what avail is wisdom that comes too late? What has been done must
produce its result which has to be suffered. That is the law. Yudhishthira and his
brothers arrived there in relentless, pursuit of their great enemy.
"Duryodhana!" exclaimed Yudhishthira, "after destroying
family and tribe, would you yourself escape death by concealing yourself in this pond?
Where is your pride now? Have you no shame? Come up and fight. A kshatriya by birth, do
you shrink battle and death?"
Stung to the quick by these words, Duryo- dhana replied with dignity:
"I have not come here, Dharmaputra, a fugitive for my life. It was not fear that
brought me here. I stepped into the water to cool the fire that is raging within me. I
neither fear death nor wish to live, but why should I fight?
The earth has now nothing left that I came to fight for! All those who
stood by me have been slain. My desire for kingdom is gone. I leave the world to you
without a rival. Enjoy it in undisputed sovereignty."
"Now, that is really generous, especially after you said you would
not allow us even a needle point of land. When we begged for peace and entreated you to
give us a portion, you spurned our proposal. Now, you say we may take it all.