Indra smiled and said: "O brahmana, you are on the wrong path. Return
home, seek a proper preceptor and learn the Vedas from him.
Austerity is not the way to learning; the path is study and study
alone." With these words Indra vanished. But the son of Bharadwaja would not give up.
He pursued his course of austerities with even greater rigor, to the
horror and the distress of the gods. Indra again manifested himself before Yavakrida and
warned him again:
"You have taken the wrong path to acquire knowledge. You can
acquire knowledge only by study. Your father learnt the Vedas by patient study and so can
you. Go and study the Vedas. Desist from this vain mortification of the body."
Yavakrida did not heed even this second warning of Indra and announced
defiantly that if his prayer was not granted, he would cut off his limbs one by one and
offer them as oblations to the fire. No, he would never give up.