Bhishma gave his blessings to Karna."You are like the good earth to
the seeds, like rain clouds to living beings, ever depend- able, firm in your loyalty.
ServeDuryodhana and save him.You vanquished the Kambo- jas for him. You put down the
Kiratas of the Himalayan fastnesses for him.
You fought the Girivrajas on his behalf and defeated them. Many more
things you have accomplished for him. Take charge of the Kaurava army now as your own rich
possession and guard it well. May you lead Duryodhana's forces to success! May you have
every good fortune! Fight your enemies, go."
Karna, having received the benediction of the grandsire, mounted his
chariot and rode to the battlefield. When the valorous Karna entered the field on his war
chariot, Duryodhana's joys knew no bounds. His sorrow, at having lost Bhishma, was in some
degree alleviated.
* Master of chariot warfare.