Bhima was all anger when taunted in this manner. He was maddened by
Karna's smiles. The battle was fierce but Karna did everything with a smiling air of ease
whereas Bhima's face glowed with rage and his movements were violent.
Karna would keep at a distance and send his well-aimed shafts but Bhima
would disregard the arrows and javelins failing thick upon him and always try to close
with Karna.
Radheya did everything he did, calmly and with graceful ease, whereas
Bhimasena fumed and fretted with impatience, as he showed his amazing strength of limb.
Bhima was red with bleeding wounds all over and presented the
appearance of an Asoka tree in full blossom, but he minded them not, as he attacked Karna
cutting bows in twain and smashing his chariot.
When Karna had to run for a fresh chariot, there was no smile on his
face, for anger rose in him, like the sea on a full moon day, as be attacked Bhima. Both
showed the strength of tigers and the speed of eagles and their anger was now like that of
serpents in a fury.