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Books By Rajaji


The foolish Yadavas were rather perturbed at this unpleasant ending of what they had thought was a good joke.

Next day, they were in consternation to see that Samba, the man who had been dressed up in female clothes, developed labour pains and lo and behold, gave birth to a mace! This filled them with terror because they felt that their end was near as the rishis had cursed.

They deliberated long and finally ground the mace to fine powder, which they scattered in the sea, and thought they, had thus disposed of the danger.

Nothing happened for some time.Seasons passed. The rains came and on the beach, near where they had strewn the fine dust of the awful club, there sprang up a dense, crop of rushes.

When the Yadavas saw this, they were curious and amused, for they hadforgotten all about the curse of the revered guests.

One day, long after, the Yadavas went to the beach for a picnic and spent the whole day in dance and drink and revelry. The liquor began to work.

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