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Books By Rajaji


It was wrong to slay one who had been disarmed or whose attention was directed elsewhere or who was retreating or who had lost his armour. And no shafts were to be directed against non-combatant attendants or those engaged in blowing conchs or beating drums.

These were the rules which the Kauravas and the Pandavas solemnly declared they would follow.

The passage of time has witnessed many changes in men's ideas of right and wrong. Nothing is exempt from attack in modern warfare.

Not only are munitions made the target of attack but dumb animals such as horses, camels, mules and medical stores, nay, non-combatants of all ages, are destroyed without compunction.

Sometimes the established conventions went overboard even in the Mahabharata war.

We see clearly in the story that occasional transgressions took place for one reason or another but, on the whole, the accepted rules of honourable and humane war were observed by both sides in the Kurukshetra battle and theoccasional violations were looked upon as wrong and shameful.

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