Pandavas are renowned heroes and yet Duryodhana lives! I, thedaughter-in-law of the
emperor Pandu, was dragged by my hair. I, the wife of five heroes, was dishonored.
O Madhusudana, even you had deserted me."
She stood trembling, utterly unable to continue, for the grief convulsed her.
Krishna was deeply moved and he consoled the
weeping Draupadi. He said: "Those who tormented you will be stricken to death in the
bloody quagmire of a lost battle. Wipe your eyes. I solemnly promise that youre
grievous wrongs shall be amply avenged.
Ishall help the Pandavas in every way. You will
become an empress. The heavens may fall, the Himalayas may split in twain, the earth may
crumble or the boundless sea may dry up-but, I tell you verily, my words shall stand. I
swear this," and Krishna took a solemn vow before Draupadi. |