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Books By Rajaji


There is, mercifully, atonement for sins committed in ignorance. If you can be my substitute here for undergoing theexpiation I shall be able to go and assist in conduc- ting the king's sacrifice. I can officiate unaided, which is a thing you cannot do as yet."

The virtuous brother agreed and said:"You may attend to the king's sacrifice. I shall do penance to free you from the terrible taint of having killed a father-and -a brahmana."

The virtuous Arvavasu, accordingly, took upon himself the expiatory rites on behalf of his brother. That done, he came to the court of the king to join his brother and assist in the sacrifice.

The sin of Paravasu was not washed off, since expiation cannot be by proxy. It tainted his mind with wicked designs.

Becoming jealous of the radiance on his brother's face, Paravasu decided to dishonour him by casting on him an unjust as person and accordingly, when Arvavasu entered the hall, Paravasu loudlyexclaimed so that the king might hear:

"This man has committed the sin of killing a brahmana and how can he enter this holy sacrificial place?"

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