Is Indra alive or is he dead? If he is alive, where is he? If, after
making enquiries and searching for him, I do not find him, then no sin will attach to me
and I couldbecome your v6fe with a clear conscience."
Nahusha said: "What you say is right. Go and search for him and be
sure to return. Remember the plighted word." Saying this, he sent her back to
Brihaspati's house.
The gods went to the great Vishnu and complained to him of Nahusha.
They said: "Lord, it was your might that killed Vritra but Indra bears, the sin of
it, and ashamed and afraid to show himself in his unclean state, he has hidden himself.
Pray indicate a way of deliverance for him." Narayana said in
reply: "Let him worship me; he will be cleansed of sin and the evil-minded Nahusha
will meet with destruction."
Sachidevi prayed to the goddess of chastity, and, by her grace, reached
where Indra was in hiding. Indra had reduced himself to the size of an atom and hid
himself in a fibre of the stem of a lotus plant growing in Manasarovara.