This is not the time to nurse enmity or sow dissension. Drona, Kripa and
Aswatthama should forget and forgive. Where can the Kauravas find in the whole world,
heroes superior to Drona, the preceptor, and his son Aswatthama, who combine in them-
selves Vedic scholarship and kshatriya heroism?
We know of none other than Parasurama who can equal Drona. We can
conquer Arjuna only if we all join together and fight him. Let us address ourselves to the
task before us. If we quarrel amongstourselves we cannot fight Arjuna."
Thus spoke the grandsire. Soothed by his noble words, angry feelings
subsided. Bhishma turned to Duryodhana and continued:
"Best of kings, Arjuna has come. The stipulated period of thirteen
years terminated yesterday. Your calculation is wrong, as men learned in the science of
planetary movements will tell you.
I knew that the period had ended when Arjuna blew his conch. Reflect a
little before deciding on war. If you wish to make peace with the Pandavas, now is the
time for it.