The coming of Rishyasringa delighted Romapada infinitely and he took his
welcome guest to the luxuriously provided inner apartments specially prepared for him.
As foretold by the brahmanas, rain began to pour the instant
Rishyasringa set his foot in the country, the rivers and the lakes were full and the
people rejoiced. Romapada gave his daughter Santa in marriage to Rishyasringa.
Though all ended as he had planned, the king was uneasy in his mind,
for he was afraid that Vibhandaka might come in search of his son and pronounce a curse on
' him.
So, he sought to mollify Vibhandaka by lining the route he would take
with cattle and kind and by instructing the cowherds in charge to say that they
wereRishyasringa's servants and had con-se to welcome and honour their master's father and
place themselves at his service.
Not finding his son anywhere in the hermi- tage, the enraged Vibhandaka
thought that this might be the work of the king of Anga.