But soon, the combined onslaught of the warriors that surrounded him
overpowered him. The chariot wheel was shattered to pieces. The son of Duhsasana came up
then and closed with him in mortal combat.
Both fen down together but Duhsasana's son rose again and, while
Abhimanyu was struggling to his feet, struck him with his mace and killed him.
"Subhadra's son who, like an elephant in a lily pond,
single-handed worked havoc in the Kaurava army, was thus overpowered by numbers and killed
cruelly," said Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra. "
And, having killed him, your peopledanced round his dead body like
savage hunters exulting over their prey.
All good men in the army were grieved and tears rolled from their eyes.
Even the birds of prey, that circled overhead making noises seemed to cry 'Not thus!' 'Not
thus!' "