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Books By Rajaji


Bhima killed eight of Dhritarashtra's sons early in the battle that day. Duryodhana's heart quailed before this. It seemed to his friends as if Bhimasena would complete his revenge this very day, even as he swore in the assembly ball, where the great outrage was enacted.

Arjuna had a great be reavement in this day's battle. His dear son Iravan was killed. This son of Arjuna by his Naga wife had come and joined the Pandava forces at Kurukshetra. Duryodhana sent his friend, the rakshasa Alambasa, to oppose the Naga warrior.

I ravan was slain after a fierce fight. When Arjuna heard this, he broke down comple- tely. Said he turning to Vasudeva: "Vidura had indeed told us plainly that both sides would be plunged in grief unbearable.

What are we doing all this wretched destruction up on one another for? Just for the sake of property. After all this killing, what joy are we or they likely to find in the end?

O Madhusudana, I now see why the far- seeing Yudhishthira said he would be content if Duryodhana would give five villages to us, keeping everything else to himself and he would not resort to fighting if that were agreed to.

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