I gave you this advice, but youdisregarded it and have grievously wronged
the Panda- vas, the fruit of which you are now reaping. The Pandavas are protected by
Krishna himself.
How then can you hope for victory? Even now, it is not loo late for
making peace and that is the way to rule your kingdom,making the Pandavas, your powerful
brothers, friends instead of enemies. Destruction awaits you if you insult Dhananjaya and
Krishna, who are none other than Nara and Narayana."
Duryodhana took leave and went to his tent, but he could not sleep that
The battle was resumed the next morning. Bhishma arrayed the Kaurava
forces in a strong formation; so did Dhrishtadyumna, the Pandava army.
Bhima stood at the head of the advance lines as usual, and Sikhandin,
Dhrishtad- yumna and Satyaki stood behind, securely guarding the main body, aided by other
Dharmaputra and the twin brothers held the rear. Bhishma bent his bow
and discharged his shafts. The Pandava army suffered greatly under the grandsire's attack.