Another broke Kripa's bow. Abhimanyu's feats brought down showers of
flowers from the gods who looked on. Bhishma and the warrior supporting him exclaimed:
"Indeed, a worthy son to Dhananjaya!
Then the Kaurava warriors made a combined attack on the valiant youth
but he stood against them all. He parried with his own all the shafts discharged by
One of his well-almed arrows brought the grandsire's palm tree flag
down and, seeing this, Bhimasena was overjoyed and made a great lion-roar which further
inspired the valiant nephew.
Great was the grandsire's joy, seeing the valour of the young hero.
Unwillingly, he had to use his full strength against the boy. Virata, his son Uttara,
Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Drupada and Bhima came to relieve the young hero and attacked
the grandsire who then turned his attentions on them.
Uttara, the son of Virata, rode an elephant and led a fierce charge on
Salya. Salya's chariot horses were trampled to death and thereupon he hurled a javelin at
Uttara. It went with unerring aim and pierced him in the chest.