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Books By Rajaji


"Drupada, the father of Draupadi, Mio learnt archery from Bharadwaja, who has for long been Waiting for an encounter with Drona, who is much respected by all kings, and who is supporting us, as if we were his own sons, should lead our army against Drona and Bhishma."

Dharmaputra then asked Dhananjaya for his opinion. "I think, Dhrishtadyumna should be our chief in the battle field, the hero who has his senses under control and who has been born to bring about Drona's end.

Dhrishtadyumna alone can withstand the arrows of Bhishma whose skill in archery made even the great Parasurama hold back. He is the only man fitted to be our commander. I can think of no one else," replied Arjuna.

Bhimasena said: "O king, what Arjuna says is true, but the rishis and elders have said that Sikhandin has come into the world to kill Bhishma. My inclination would be to give the command to Sikhandin whose radiant face is like that of Parasurama. I do not think any one else can defeat Bhishma."

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