Remember with love Karna who died a hero's death on the battlefield. He
was my son, but I committed the crime of not disclosing it to you. Look after Draupadi
with unfailing tenderness. Do not ever give cause for grief to Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and
Sahadeva. Keep this ever in mind, son; the burden of the family is now wholly on
Dharmaputra had till then believed that Kunti was accompanying Gandhari
only for a distance to say good-bye. When he heard her speak thus, he was taken aback and
was speechless for a few minutes.
When he recovered from the shock he said: "Mother, not thus! You
blessed us and sent us to battle. It is not right you should now desert us and go to the
Yudhishthira's entreaties were however of no avail. Kunti held to her
"I must join my lord and husband wherever he be now. I shall be
with Gandhari and go through the discipline of forest life and soon join your father. Go
back unagitated.