Durmarshana's army was beaten. Like clouds driven about by a gale, the
Kaurava forces were scattered and fled in all directions. When Duhsasana saw this, his
anger rose.
Leading a huge force of elephants he surrounded Arjuna. Duhsasana was a
very wicked man but he was brave also. He fought Arjuna fiercely and the field was strewn
with the dead. Finally, he withdrew defeated and went back to join Drona's forces.
Savyasachi's car swiftly proceededforward and passed Drona.
"Illustrious one, grieving for my son, I have come to wreak vengeance on the Sindhu
king. I crave your blessings for the fulfilment of my vow," said Arjuna to the
The acharya smiled and said: "Arjuna, you must first fight and
defeat me before you can reach Jayadratha." Saying this Drona discharged a shower of
arrows on Arjuna's car. Partha also replied with his arrows but these the acharya parried
with ease and sent flaming shafts that hit Krishna and Arjuna.
The Pandava then decided to cut Drona's bow and bent his Gan diva for
that purpose. Even as he was pulling his bow-string Drona's shaft came and cut the string.