The burst of blood in their serried ranks was like the burst of Palasa
blossoms in a spring-time forest. The fighting wassevere. At one time Arjuna's car and
flag-pole were immersed in darkness under the downpour of arrows.
"Are you alive, Dhananjaya?" shouted Krishna.
"Yes," replied Arjuna, and pulling the string of his Gandiva,
discharged shafts that dispelled the arrow-shower.
It was like the Rudra dance of dissolution. The field was full of
severed limbs and headless bodies and presented a terrible spectacle.
As Arjuna proceeded to oppose the samsaptakas, Drona gave orders for a
violent assault on the Pandava forces at the point where Yudhishthira stood.
Yudhishthira saw this movement and spoke to the Panchala prince
"The brahmana is coining to seize me. Look after the forces with
The son of Drupada did not wait for Drona to advance but marched forward in his car
himself to meet Drona.