You have surely practised deceit and led them to destruction. Prepare now
to receive my curse!" Vasudeva smiled and said: "Peace, peace! Calm your self.
Do not use up the, fruit of your great penances in this anger. Listen
to what Isay and then, if you like, you may pronounce your curse."
Krishna pacified the indignant brahmana and appeared to him in his
all-embracing form, the Viswarupa.
"I am born in various bodies from time to time to save the world
and establish the good. In whatever body I am born, I must act in conformity with the
nature of that body.
When I am born as a deva, I act as a deva does. If I appear as a yaksha
or as a rakshasa, I do everything like a yaksha or a rakshasa.
If I am born as a human being, or as a beast, I do what is natural to
that birth and complete my task. I begged hard of the ignorant Kauravas.