was not angry with the king. He went straight to Dharma, the divine dispenser of justice,
who was seated on his throne, and asked him: "What crime have I committed to deserve
this torture?"
Lord Dharma, who knew the great power of the
sage, replied in all humility: "O sage, you have tortured birds and bees. Are you not
aware that all deeds, good or bad, however small, inevitably produce their results, good
or evil?"
Mandavya was surprised at this reply of Lord
Dharma and asked: "When did I commit this offence?"
Lord Dharma replied: "When you were a
Mandavya then pronounced a curse on Dharma:
"This punishment you have decreed is far in excess of the deserts of a mistake
committed by a child in igno- rance. Be born, therefore, as a mortal in the world."
Lord Dharma who was thus cursed by the sage
Mandavya incarnated as Vidura and was born of the servant-maid of Ambalika, the wife of
Vichitravirya. |