They talked while they played andnaturally, the king was full of his son's
greatness and prowess."See the glory of my son,Bhumin- jaya. He has put the famed
Kaurava warriors to flight."
"Yes," replied Yudhishthira with a smile. "Your son is
indeed fortunate for, without the best of good fortune, how could he have secured
Brihannala to drive his chariot?"
Virata was angry at this persistent glorifi- cation of Brihannala at
the expenses of Uttara. "Why do you, again and again. babble about the eunuch?"
he cried.
"While I am talking about my son's victory, you expatiate on the
charioteering skill of the eunuch, as if that were of any signifi- cance." The
king's anger only increased when Kanka remonstrated: "I know what I am talking about.
Brihannala is no ordinary person.
The chariot she drives can never see defeat, and whoever is in it, is
sure of success in any undertaking, no matter how difficult."
Now, this perverse flouting could not be borne, and Virata in a passion
flung the dice at Yudhishthira's face and followed this up with a blow on
Yudhishthira'scheek. Yudhishthira was hurt and blood flowed down his face.