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Books By Rajaji


After long years spent in vain efforts to quench desire by indul- gence, the truth dawned on him.

Returning to Puru, he said: "Dear son, sensual desire is never quenched by indulgence any more than fire is by pouring ghee in-it.

I had heard and read this, but till now I had not realised it. No object of desire-corn, gold, cattle or women-nothing can ever satisfy the desire of man, We can reach peace only by a mental poise beyond likes and dislikes.

Such is the state of Brahman. Take back your youth and rule the kingdom wisely and well."

With these words Yayati took his old age. Puru, who re gained his youth, was made king by Yayati who retired to the forest.

He spent his time there in austerities and, indue course, attained heaven.

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