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The chariot hoods and the flagstaffs on both sides were battered down. Drona as well as Satyaki were bleeding profusely. The warriors on either side stood still watching the duel and they did not blow their conchs or raise their war cries or sound their lion-roars.

The devas, vidyadharas, gandharvas and yakshas watched the great battle from above.Drona's bow was broken by a well- aimed shaft from Satyaki, and the son of Bharadwaja had to take another bow and, even as he strung it, Satyaki shot it down again. Drona took up another bow which too was shot down.

And so it went on till Drona lost a hundred and one bows without being able to shoot an arrow.The great acharya said tohimself:  "This man Satyaki is a warrior in the class of Sri Rama, Kartavirya, Dhananjaya and Bhishma,"and was glad he had an oppo- nent  worthy of him.

It was a craftsman's professional joy at skill displayed in the art he loved. For every specially-charged shaft that Drona sent, Satyaki had a ready answer of equivalent quality.

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