He had unbounded love for the Royal family and for Raama. Being the chieftain of
the tribes who dwelt on the banks of Ganga, he was a man of great prestige and power.
Raama and Lakshmana rose to greet Guha, even while the latter was still at some distance
from them. Guha welcomed them with a hearty embrace, saying: "Regard this land as
your own. This place is as much yours as is Ayodhya. Who can hope to have a guest like
you? It is indeed my good fortune."
Guha had prepared a lavish entertainment.
He said, "Feel perfectly at home and happy in my kingdom. You may spend all the
fourteen years with us here. You will not lack anything I assure you. Looking after you
will be a pleasure and privilege to me. Be gracious enough to accept my hospitality." |