Bharadwaaja, after making the usual personal enquiries, asked Bharata: "Why
did you leave your kingly duties and go over here? Should you not stay in Ayodhya?
Listening to his young wife, Dasaratha ordered Raama to live for fourteen years in the
forest and the Prince accordingly left the city with his brother and Seeta. Do you feel
that even now the way is not clear for your rule and have you come to complete what
Dasaratha began and make assurance doubly sure.
Hearing these words, Bharata wept. The
tears gushed and he could hardly speak. "Death," he said, "would be better
than such a life as this."
"Do you doubt me, master?" he
asked. "Do not blame me for what was done by my mother in my absence without my
knowledge or consent. I have come now to do my utmost and persuade Raama to go back with
me to Ayodhya, and there to be crowned King. And it is my purpose to be his humble slave
all my life. I have come here to ask you where Raama dwells, to go and beg of him to
return home. And me, you suspect!" |