When the first
flush of triumph was over and Vibheeshana looked at his brother's body, the natural call
of blood and memories of boyhood days when Raavana and he had loved and played quite
overwhelmed him and he burst into lamentations over his lost brother. "O warrior!" be cried. "O
brother of heroic deeds! O scholar learned in all Shaastras! O valiant and famous King of
kings! Your great arms are, now sprawling helpless on the ground! Self-willed and
self-deceived, surrounded by bad advisers, you would not heed my warning! The worst I
feared has happened now! You reaped what you sowed and you lie on the bare ground, O once
mighty ruler of the Raakshasas!"
To Vibheeshana thus lamenting, Raama spoke:
"Raavana fought like a true warrior
and fell fighting like a hero! Death has washed his sins. It calls for no mourning.
Raavana has entered Heaven." |