"Kaamadhenu, the cow-mother, had hundreds of thousands of children, yet she
shed tears at the sight of the suffering of two bulls yoked to a plough and her tears
scalded Indra on his throne in high Heaven. And Kausalya's only child you sent to the
forest, hoping thus that you and I could be made happy!
"I shall do the obsequies and go to
the forest and fall at the feet of Raama and bring him to his kingdom. And then, to
myself of the sin and the shame you have
brought on me, I shall lead the life of an ascetic in the Dandaka forest.
"What a flood of sorrow have you let
loose on the earth? By what penitence, by what self-mortification, can you redeem your
self? I shall go myself at once to Raama and get rid of my guilt by restoring the kingdom
to him." |