The fire of her desire unquenched, the Raakshasi spent the night somewhere,
somehow. In the morning, she thought: "I shall die if I do not get this man. So long
as this girl is with him, he will never come near me. I must contrive to carry her off and
put her away somewhere and then I may secure his love." Thus resolved, she came again
to the aashrama.
Raama had gone to the river for his morning
ablutions and prayer and Seeta was alone in the aashrama. Soorpanakha reckoned this was
her chance to carry her off. She did not notice that Lakshmana was in the wood nearby. She
rushed towards Seeta." Lakshmana shouted and sprang on the Raakshasi. Catching hold
of her hair, he kicked her and drew his sword.
Soorpanakha when attacked resumed her own
shape and at tacked Lakshmana. Lakshmana easily caught hold of her and mutilated her and
drove her off. |