to the law of kings it is not permitted on any account to kill envoys and messengers. You
can have him mutilated, whipped or branded, but not killed," so counselled
"What is wrong," asked Raavana, "in killing one who has sinned so
Answered Vibheeshana with due politeness: "No matter how grievous his offence, it was
done at the bidding of others. To leave his royal masters alone and to slay their
instrument, a mere messenger-what use or sense is there in it? Let us by all means seek
ways of punishing those that sent him here.They must
be brought here and given due punishment. If he is slain now, what chance is there of our
real enemies being brought here? If, on the other hand, he is sent back alive to them,
they will come here and attack us. Then they will receive proper punishment at your
hands." |