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Books By Rajaji


"My old crime is killing me now. As food prohibited by they doctors foolishly consumed by a sick man kills him, what that old father uttered in unbearable grief has now come true. I have sent my innocent son to the forest and, unable to bear the grief, I now enter Yama's abode.

"How else could these unnatural events occur? How else could I be thus deceived and betrayed? Even if I ordered Raama to go to forest, why should he obey my unjust command? Why should he insist on being exiled? It is the curse of that old blind couple, nothing else.

"Kausalya, I do not see you. My sight is gone. Death is fast approaching. Come nearer and let me feel you. All is over. The messengers of Yama are calling me. Will Raama come? Shall I see him before I die? Oh, I am dying, The oil is all consumed and my light is going out! Ah Kausalya! Oh Sumitra!"

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