She said: "Manthara, have you not known and rejoiced in Raama's
truthfulness, right conduct and humility? He is the eider prince and he gets the kingdom.
Bharata will get it one day after him. What is wrong with all this? Why, dear friend, do
you feel such grief? After Raama, Bharata will reign for a hundred years. Do not cry. You
know how affectionate Raama is to me. Indeed he cares for me more than for his own mother.
Does not Raama hold his brothers as dear as life? It is not right that you should fear any
harm from Raama."
"Alas, Alas!" said Manthara.
"Why are you so foolish? Once Raama is crowned king, what chance has Bharata? Do you
not know the rule of succession? When Raama ascends the throne all prospects of royalty
for Bharata and his line are at an end. After Raama, Raama's son will be king, and after
him that son's son will be king, and so the succession will go on. Eldest son succeeds
eldest son. |